Collective Computation Group @ SFI




Flack, J.C. 2019. Social & economic engineering. InterPlanetary Transmissions: A Genesis. McShae, C. and Krakauer, D.C., eds. SFI Press, Santa Fe, NM.

Flack, J.C. & Laubichler, M. 2019.
Engineered societies. Worlds Hidden in Plain Sight, Krakauer, D.C., ed. SFI Press, Santa Fe, NM. Reprinted—originally published in the Christian Science Monitor.

Flack, J.C. Life's information hierarchy. Worlds Hidden in Plain Sight, Krakauer, D.C., ed. SFI Press. Santa Fe, NM. Reprited—originally published in Santa Fe Institute Bulletin. This essay eventually evolved into a paper published in "Matter to Life" a volume edited by Sara Walker and colleagues.

Brush, E., Krakauer, D.C. and Flack, J. C.Conflicts of interest improve collective computation of adaptive social structure. In press. Science Advances. 4, e1603311

Read about above study here:
How living systems compute solutions to problems. Write up by Eleanor Brush & Jessica Flack.

Flack, J.C. 2017. Coarsegraining as a downward causation mechanism in adaptive systems. Phil Trans A. 375, DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2016.0338.

Read about coarse-graining paper here:
New paper answers causation conundrum. Write up (not title!) by Jessica C. Flack

Lee, E. Daniels, B.C., Krakauer, D.C. & Flack, J.C. 2017. Collective memory in primate conflict implied by temporal scaling collapse. Royal Society Interface. DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2017.0223

Read about the above collective memory study here. How conflict spreads through a society. Write up by Eddie Lee, Bryan Daniels, Jessica C. Flack and David C. Krakauer

Sokol, Josh,
How nature solves problems through computation. Reprinted in The Atlantic, July 11, 2017.

Sokol, Josh,
How nature solves problems through computation. Quanta Magazine. July 6, 2017.

Daniels, B., Flack, J.C. and Krakauer, D.C. 2017. Dual coding theory explains biphasic collective computation in neural decision-making. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 11: 313

Read about above neural crowdsourcing study here: How neurons use crowdsourcing to make decisions by Jessica C. Flack & Bryan C. Daniels.

David Krakauer, Nils Bertschinger, Eckehard Olbrich, Nihat Ay, Jessica C. Flack. 2017. The information theory of individuality. Theory in the Biosciences. In review.

Flack, J.C. 2017.
Life's Information Hierarchy. In Walker, Davies, Ellis, Matter to Life, Cambridge University Press. 283-302.

Daniels, B., Krakauer, D.C., and Flack, J.C., 2017.
Control of critical behavior in a small-scale, collective social system. Nature Communications, 8 14301

Read about criticality study here:
Monkey fights help explain tipping points in animal societies. Write up (not title!) by Jessica C. Flack and Bryan Daniels.

More on criticality study here:
Critical behavior: Monkey Business in Nature Physics.

Flack, J.C. 2017.
Coarse-graining: Answer to annual question.

Daniels, B., Ellison, C.J., Krakauer, D.C. and Flack, J.C. 2016. Quantifying collectivity. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 37, 106-113.

Flack, J.C. 2016. Social niche construction. Comment on ZoonPolitikon: The Evolutionary Origins of Human Political Systems” by Herbert Gintis, Carel van Schaik, and Christopher Boehm. Current Anthropology.

Mark K. Transtrum, Benjamin Machta, Kevin Brown, Bryan C. Daniels, Christopher R. Myers, James P. Sethna, 2015, Sloppiness and Emergent Theories in Physics, Biology, and Beyond,

Daniels, B.C. and Nemenman, I., 2015. Efficient Inference of Parsimonious Phenomenological Models of Cellular Dynamics Using S-Systems and Alternating Regression. PLoS One, 10(3): e0119821.

Daniels, B. C. and Nemenman, I. 2014 Automated adaptive inference of dynamical phenomenological models in systems biology.

David Krakauer, Nils Bertschinger, Eckehard Olbrich, Nihat Ay, Jessica C. Flack. 2014.
The information theory of individuality.

Flack, J.C. and D'Souza, R. 2014.
The digital age and the future of social network science and engineering. Special Issue of the Proceedings of the IEEE: The Effects of Changing Technology on Social Networks, Vol. 102.

Flack, J.C. and D'Souza, R. (eds). 2014. The effects of changing technology on social networks. Special Issue of the Proceedings of the IEEE. Vol. 102.

Krakauer, D.C. 2014. The Computational Systems of the World. Bioscience. 64. 351-354. PDF coming soon.

Krakauer, D.C. Rockmore, D. 2014. Adaption or the ten Avatars of Vishnu. Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics. Ed. Nicholas Higham.

Krakauer, D.C. Complexity of genetic redundancy. 2014. Encyclopedia of the Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons. PDF coming soon.

Flack, J.C. 2014.
Life's information hierarchy. Santa Fe Institute Bulletin. Winter Edition.

How Life Got Complex, 2014. A set of essays and reviews published in the Santa Fe Institute Bulletin by Jessica Flack, David Krakauer, Nathan Collins, and Jennifer Dunne on C4 work on complexity and collective computation.

James, R., Mahoney, J., Ellison, C. and Crutchfield, J., 2014. Many roads to synchrony: Natural time scales and their algorithms. Phys. Rev. E, [online] 89, p.042135.

Griffith V, Chong EKP, James RG, Ellison CJ, Crutchfield JP. Intersection information based on common randomness. Entropy. 2014; 16(4):1985-2000.

Flack, J.C. (2013).
Animal communication: Hidden complexity. Current Biology, 23, R967-R969.

Krakauer, D.C. The inferential evolution of biological complexity. Complexity and the Arrow of Time. 224-246. Eds. Charles Lineweaver, Paul Davies and Michael Ruse. CUP (2013). 

Brush, E. Krakauer, D.C. and Flack, J.C. (2013)
A family of algorithms for computing consensus about node state from network data. PLoS Computational Biology, 9, e1003109.

Flack, J. C., Erwin, D. Elliot, T, and  Krakauer, D.C. (2013)
Timescales, symmetry, and uncertainty reduction in the origins of hierarchy in biological systems. In: Evolution Cooperation and Complexity. pp 45-74, eds. K. Sterelny, Richard Joyce, Brett Calcott, and Ben Fraser, MIT Press.

Krakauer, D.C. (2013) Complexity and the ultimate meaning of health and disease. In: S. M. Modell (Ed.) Philosophical Studies in Medicine and Health. University of Toronto Press. In Press.

Eisen, M. 2013. Remaking the UW: David Krakauer calls for a new campus to lead a new world, The Isthmus, Thursday, January 24, 2013.

Doron, K., Bassett, D.S., Gazzaniga, M.S. (2012). Dynamic network structure of interhemispheric coordination. PNAS, 109, 18661-18668.

Flack, J.C., Hammerstein, P., and Krakauer, D.C. (2012) Robustness in biological and social systems. Evolution and the Mechanisms of Decision Making, edited by Peter Hammerstein and Jeffrey R. Stevens. Strüngmann Forum Report, vol. 11, J. Lupp, series ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Daniels, B., Krakauer, D.C., and Flack, J.C.. (2012)
Sparse coding of conflict in a primate Society. PNAS, 109 (35), 14259-14262.

Reardon, S. 2012. Formula follows the evolution of writing styles. New Scientist, 2863.

Whitfield, J. 2012. Do individuals matter? Santa Fe Institute Bulletin, Winter edition.

Flood, A. 2012. Influences of classic literature on writers declining, study claims. The Guardian, Monday, May 14.

DeDeo, S. and Krakauer, D. C. (2012) Dynamics and information processing in finite self similar networks. Proceedings of the Royal Society Interface, 9 (74), 1742-5662.

Flack, J. C. (2012)
Multiple time-scales and the developmental dynamics of social systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences, 367, 1802-1810.

Hughes, J. M. et al. (2012) Evolution of literature: quantitative patterns of stylistic influence. PNAS, 109 (20), 7682-7686.

Flack, J.C. (2012)
A future for social evolution. Cliodynamics: The Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical History, 3,172-190.

Whitfield, J. (2012) Do individuals matter? SFI Bulletin, 37-41.

Daniels, B. C. and Sethna, J. P. (2011) Nucleation at the DNA supercoiling transition. Physical Review E, 83 (4), 041924.

DeDeo, S., Krakauer, D.C., and Flack, J.C. (2011)
Detecting strategic periodicity in conflict time series. Proceedings of the Royal Society Interface, 8 (62), 1260-1273.

Flack, J. C. and Krakauer, D. C. (2011)
Challenges for complexity measures: a perspective from social dynamics and collective computation. CHAOS 21.

Krakauer, D. C. (2011) Darwinian demons, evolutionary complexity, and information maximization. CHAOS, 21.

Krakauer, D. C. (2011) The star gazer and the flesh eater: Elements of a theory of metahistory. Cliodynamics, 2, 82-105.

Krakauer, D. C., et al. (2011) An inquiry into History, Big History & Metahistory. Cliodynamics, 2, 1-5.

Krakauer, D. C., Flack, et al. (2011)
The challenges and scope of theoretical biology. Journal of theoretical biology, 276 (1), 269-276.

Krakauer, D. C., Page, K., and Flack,. J.C. (2011)
The immuno-dynamics of conflict intervention in social systems. PloS One, 6 (8), 1-13.

Rockmore, D. (2011) The complexity of conflict. SFI Bulletin, 28-33.

Rockmore, D. 2011. The complexity of conflict. Santa Fe Institute Bulletin, WInter edition.

Smith, E., Krishnamurthy, S., Fontana, W., and Krakauer, D. C. (2011) Nonequilibrium phase transitions in biomolecular signal transduction. Physical Review E, 84 (5), 051917.

Boehm, C., and Flack, J. C. (2010) The emergence of simple and complex power structures through social niche construction. In: A. Guinote and T. K. Vescio (Eds.), The Social Psychology of Power, (46-86). New York: Guilford Press.

DeDeo, S., Krakauer, D.C. and Flack, J.C. (2010)
Inductive game theory and the dynamics of animal conflict. PLoS computational biology, 6 (5), 1-16.

Giles, J. 2010. Monkeys' art of war has lessons for human conflict. New Scientist, May 13.

Krakauer, D. C., and Flack, J. C. (2010)
Better living through physics [Letter to the Editor]. Nature, 467, 661.

Krakauer, D. C., and Flack, J. C. (2010) Selection controversies in and out of equilibrium. Nature, 467, 661. (longer version of published comment above)

Krakauer, D. C. Flack, J. C., Ay, N. (2010)
Probabilistic design principles for robust, multimodal communication networks. In: G. Ruxton and C. Tosh (Eds.), Modeling Perception with Artificial Neural Networks, (255-268). UK: Cambridge University Press.

Krakauer, D. C., Flack, J.C., DeDeo, S., Farmer, D., and Rockmore, D. (2010)
Intelligent data analysis of intelligent systems. IDA 2010, Lecture Notes Computer Science, 6065, 8-17.

Prohaska, S. J., et al. (2010) Evolution and computation of chromatin regulation. Journal of theoretical biology, 265 (1), 27-44.

Flack, J. C. (2009) Engineering a better legal system. SFI Bulletin, 13-15.

Flack, J. C., and Krakauer, D. C. (2009) The evolution and construction of moral systems. In: S. Levin (Ed.), Games, Groups and the Global Good, (117-142), New York: Springer Verlag. k

Flack, J.C. 2009. Engineering better legal systems. Santa Fe Institute Bulletin. Spring edition.

Krakauer, D. C. (2009) Metahistoricism, Evolution and complexity. Nouvelles perspectives en sciences sociales, 4, 53-67.

Krakauer, D. C. and Zanotto de A, P. (2009) Viral individuality & limitations of the life concept. In: S. Rasmussen, M. A. Bedau, L. Chen, D. Deamer, D. C. Krakauer, N. H. Packard, and P. F. Stadler (Eds.), Protocells: Bridging Non-living and Living Matter, (513-536). Cambridge: MIT Press.

Krakauer, D. C., et al. (2009) Diversity, dilemmas and monopolies of niche construction. The American Naturalist, 173, 26-40.

Stadler, S. J., et al. (2009) Defining genes: A computational framework. Theory in the Biosciences, 128 (3), 165-170.

Bershad, A. K., et al. (2008) Developmental autonomy and somatic niche construction during cellular division and differentiation. Journal of theoretical biology, 254, 408-416.

Borenstein, E., and Krakauer, D. C. (2008) End to endless forms: Regulatory epistasis, phenotype distribution bias, and non-uniform evolution. PLoS computational biology, 4, 1-13.

de Andrade Zanotto, P. M., and Krakauer, D. C. (2008) Viral phenomics and the hypercyclic organization of viral cores. PloS One, 3, 1-17.

Fuentes, M. A., and Krakauer, D. C. (2008) The evolution of developmental patterning under genetic duplication constraints. Proceedings of the Royal Society Interface, 5, 237-245.

Krakauer, D.C (2008) Genetic Redundancy. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, (1-6). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Ay, N., and Krakauer, D. C. (2007) Geometric robustness theory and biological networks. Theory in the Biosciences, 125 (2), 93-121.

Ay, N., Flack, J.C. and Krakauer, D.C. (2007)
Robustness and complexity co-constructed in multimodal signaling networks. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 362, 441-447.

Flack, J. C., and De Waal, F. (2007)
Context modulates signal meaning in primate communication. PNAS, 104 (5), 1581-86.

Flack, J.C. 2007. Complex form evolving. Santa Fe Institute Bulletin. Winter edition.

Flack, J. C. (2007) Complex Form Evolving. SFI Bulletin, Winter 2007, 52–57.
Krishnamurthy, S., et al. (2007) The stochastic behavior of a molecular switching circuit with feedback. Biology Direct, 2, 13-25.

Lillo, F., and Krakauer, D. C. (2007) A statistical analysis of the three-fold evolution of genomic compression through frame overlaps in prokaryotes. Biology Direct, 2, 22-35.

Wucherpfennig, K. W., et al. (2007) Polyspecificity of T cell receptor recognition. Seminars in immunology, 19 (4), 216-244.

Carr, G. (2006)
The police are a bunch of monkeys: Simian society, too, needs to forces of law and order. The Economist. January 26th.

Flack, J. C. and Krakauer, D. C. (2006)
Encoding power in communication networks. The American Naturalist, 168, E87-E102. Laland, K. 2006. Animal Behaviour: Old World Monkeys Build New World Order, Current Biology, 16: R291-R292.

Coghlan, A. 2006. Monkey cops keep clans together. New Scientist, January 25th.

Coghlan, A. 2006. Monkey cops key to group happiness. New Scientist, 2536.

Flack, J. C., Girvan, M., de Waal, F.B.M. and Krakauer, D.C. (2006)
Policing stabilizes construction of social niches in primates. Nature, 39 (26), 426-429.

Hooper, R. (2006). Monkey cops keep clan together. New Scientist, 18. Retrieved from:

Krakauer, D. C. (2006) Robustness in biological systems: a provisional taxonomy. In: T. Deisboeck and J. Kresh (Eds.), Complex Systems Science in Biomedicine, (183-205). New York: Springer.

Krakauer, D. C., and Sasaki, A. (2006) The Greater than two-fold cost of Integration for Retroviruses. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B, 273 (1590), 1159-63.

Smaglik, P.
Making the paper [Flack et al. 2006]: Jessica Flack. (2006). Nature, 439, xiii.

Anderson, J. R. (2005) Animal behaviour: Pigtailed police. Current Biology, 15 (11), R27-R29. keywords: policing, conflict intervention, conflict dynamics, macaque, robustness, social structure, networks, social stability, cohesion

Flack, J. C., et al. (2005)
Robustness mechanisms in primate societies: a perturbation study. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Biological Sciences, 272 (1568), 1091-99.

Flack, J. C., de Waal, F., and Krakauer, D. C. (2005).
Social structure, robustness, and policing cost in a cognitively sophisticated species. The American Naturalist, 165(5), E126–E1

Krakauer, D.C. and Plotkin, J. (2005) Principles and parameters of molecular robustness. In: E. Jen (Ed.), Robust design: a repertoire for Biology, Ecology and Engineering, (71-103). Oxford University Press.

Erwin, D. H., and Krakauer, D. C. (2004) Insights into innovation. Science, 304 (5674), 1117-1119.

Flack, J.C. & de Waal, F.B.M. Dominance style, social power, and conflict management in macaque societies: A conceptual framework. In: Macaque Societies: A Model for the Study of Social Organization, eds. B. Thierry, B. Chapais, W. Kaumanns, M. Singh., pp. 157-182. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2004).

Flack, J.C. & de Waal, F.B.M. Darwinian building blocks of morality in nonhuman primates. Special Issue on Evolutionary Theory, Samfundsøkonomen, 4: 29-38 (2004).

Flack, J. C., et al. (2004)
Play signaling and the perception of social rules by juvenile chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 118 (2), 149-159.

Krakauer, D. C. (2004) Book Review: An Inordinate Fondness for Bacteria. Heredity, 93, 116-118.

Rasmussen, S., et al. (2004) Living and Non living Matter: A Response. Science, 305, 41-42.

Rasmussen, S., et al. (2004) Transitions from nonliving to living matter. Science, 303, 963-965.

De Visser, J. A., et al. (2003) Perspective: evolution and detection of genetic robustness. Evolution, 57 (9), 1959-1972.

Krakauer, D.C. (2003) Genetic redundancy. evolution and comparative genomics. In: Encyclopedia of the Human Genome. Nature Publishing Group, Macmillan Publishers.

Krakauer, D. C., and Komarova, N. L. (2003) Levels of selection in positive strand virus dynamics. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 16, 64-73.

Krakauer, D. C. (2002) Coevolution of virus and host cell death signals. In: U. Dieckmann, J. A. J. Metz, M. W. Sabelis, K. Sigmund (Eds.), Adaptive Dynamics of Infectious Diseases, (183-196). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Krakauer, D. C. (2002). Evolutionary principles of genomic compression. Comments on Theoretical Biology, 7, 215–2136.

Krakauer, D. C. (2002). From physics to phenomenology. Levels of description and levels of selection. Novartis Foundation symposium, 247, 42–52.

Krakauer, D. C. (2002) Genetic redundancy. In: M. Pagel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Krakauer, D. C., and Jansen, V. (2002). Red queen dynamics of protein translation. Journal of theoretical biology, 218, 97–109.

Krakauer, D. C., and Nowak, M. A. (2002) Quasispecies. In: M. Pagel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Krakauer, D. C., and Plotkin, J. B. (2002). Redundancy, antiredundancy, and the robustness of genomes (pp. 1405–1409). Presented at the PNAS.

Krakauer, D. C., and Sasaki, A. (2002). Noisy clues to the origin of life. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 269(1508), 2423–2428.

Krakauer, D.C, Jansen, V. and Nowak, M.A. (2002) Red queen dynamics and the evolution of translational redundancy and degeneracy. In: M. Laessig and A. Valleriani (Eds.), Biological Evolution and Statistical Physics, (37-54). New York: Springer Verlag.

Krakauer, D. C., et al. (2002) Module dynamics of the GnRH signal transduction network. Journal of theoretical biology, 218, 457-470.

Krakauer, D. C. (2001). Selective imitation for a private sign system. Journal of theoretical biology, 213(2), 145–157.

Krakauer, D. C., and Nowak, M. A. (2001). Genetic redundancy. In S. Brenner and J. Miller (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Genetics (pp. 845–846). London: Academic Press.

Wodarz, D., and Krakauer, D. C. (2001). Genetic instability and the evolution of angiogenic tumor cell lines (Review). Oncology reports, 8(6), 1195–1201.

Flack, J. C., and De Waal, F. (2000)
Any animal whatever. Darwinian building blocks of morality in monkeys and apes. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 7 (1), 1-29.

Flack, J. C., and De Waal, F. (2000)
Being nice is not a building block of morality. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 7 (1-2), 67-77.

Grassly, N., Haesler, von, A., and Krakauer, D. C. (2000). Error, population structure and the origin of diverse sign systems. Journal of theoretical biology, 206, 369–378.

Krakauer, D. C. (2000). Evolving cell death in the virus infected nervous system. Trends in Neuroscience, 23 (12), 617.

Krakauer, D. C. (2000). Stability and evolution of overlapping genes. Evolution, 54, 731–739.

Krakauer, D. C., and Mira, A. (2000). Mitochondria and the death of oocytes. Nature, 403, 501.

Krakauer, D.C. and Nowak, M.A. (2000) Fragile Dominion. Notices of the AMS 47: 564-568.

Payne, R., and Krakauer, D. C. (2000). Disruptive sexual selection. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 15, 419–420.

Stumpf, M., and Krakauer, D. C. (2000). Mapping the parameters of prion induced neuropathology. PNAS, 97(19), 10573–10577.

Wahl, L., and Krakauer, D. C. (2000). Models of experimental evolution: The role of genetic chance and selective necessity. Genetics, 156, 1437–1448.

Wodarz, D., and Krakauer, D. C. (2000). Defining CTL-induced pathology: Implications for HIV. Virology, 274(1), 94–104.

Krakauer, D. C., and Mira, A. (1999). Mitochondria and germ-cell death. Nature, 400, 125.

Krakauer, D. C., and Nowak, M. A. (1999). CTL pathogenesis in HIV: bystander effects and latent infection. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 266, 1069–1075.

Krakauer, D. C., and Nowak, M. A. (1999). Evolutionary preservation of redundant duplicated genes. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, 10, 555–559.

Nowak, M. A., and Krakauer, D. C. (1999). The evolution of language. PNAS, 96, 8028–8033.

Nowak, M. A., Krakauer, D. C., and Dress, A. (1999). An error limit for the evolution of language. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 266(1433), 2131–2136.

Nowak, M. A., Plotkin, J. B., and Krakauer, D. C. (1999). The Evolutionary Language Game. Journal of theoretical biology, 200, 147–162.

Collett, M., Despland, E., Simpson, S. J., and Krakauer, D. C. (1998). The spatial scales of locust swarms. PNAS, 95, 13052–13055.

Krakauer, D. C., Zanotto, P., and Pagel, M. (1998). Prion's Progress: patterns and rates of molecular evolution in relation to spongiform disease. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 47, 133–145.

Nowak, M., Krakauer, D.C., Klug, A., and May, R. (1998) Prion infection dynamics. Integrative Biology, 1, 3-15.

Ostrowski, M., Krakauer, D. C., Nowak, M. A., and Fauci, A. (1998). The effect of immune activation on the dynamics of HIV replication on the distribution of viral quasispecies. Virology, 72(10), 7772–7784.

Payne, R., and Krakauer, D. C. (1998). The spatial dynamics of prion infection. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 265, 2341–2346.

Payne, R., and Krakauer, D. C. (1998). The paradoxical dynamics of prion disease latency. Journal of theoretical biology, 191(4), 345–352.

Krakauer, D. C. (1997). The evolutionary imperative and the origin of the prion pathogen. Nutrition, 13(7-8), 692–694.

Krakauer, D. C., and Payne, R. (1997). The evolution of virus induced apoptosis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 264, 1757–1762.

Pagel, M., and Krakauer, D. C. (1997). Is the propagation of prion molecules in different hosts an example of Lamarckian inheritance? Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 12, 194.

Payne, R., and Krakauer, D. C. (1997). Sexual selection, space and speciation. Evolution, 51(1), 1–9.

Pimentel, D., Flack, J.C. et al. (1997) Economic and environmental benefits of biodiversity. BioScience, 47 (11), 747-757.

Krakauer, D.C. (1996), contributing author. Report of a WHO consultation on clinical and neuropathological characteristics of the new variant of CJD and other human and animal transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.

Krakauer, D. C., and Pagel, M. (1996). Selection by somatic signals. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 351(1340), 647–658.

Krakauer, D. C., and Pagel, M. (1996). The geneology of a toxic protein and the case of BSE. Social Biology and Human Affairs, 61, 45–54.

Krakauer, D. C., Pagel, M., Zanotto, P., and Southwood, T. (1996). Prion phylogenesis. Nature, 380, 675

Pagel, M., and Krakauer, D. C. (1996). Prions and the new molecular phenetics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 11(12).

Krakauer, D. C. (1995). An evolutionary perspective on Hebb's reverberatory representations. Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 18, 636–637.

Krakauer, D. C. (1995). Prey confuse predators by exploiting perceptual bottlenecks. Behavioral Ecology and Social Biology, 36, 421–429.

Krakauer, D. C. (1995). Simple connectionist models of spatial learning in bees. Journal of theoretical biology, 172, 149–160.

Krakauer, D. C., and Johnstone, R. (1995). Exploitation and deceit in the evolution of animal signals. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 348, 355–361.

Krakauer, D. C., and Pagel, M. (1995). Spatial structure and the evolution of honest cost-free signals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 260, 365–372.

Krakauer, D. C., and Rodriguez-Griones, M. A. (1995). Searching and learning in a random environment. Journal of theoretical biology, 177(4), 417–429.